Evans, Nicholas 2001

Evans, Nicholas. 2001. The last speaker is dead: long live the last speaker!. In Newman, Paul and Ratliff, Martha (eds.), Linguistic Fieldwork, 250-281. Cambridge.

  author                     = {Evans, Nicholas},
  booktitle                  = {Linguistic Fieldwork},
  chapter                    = {12},
  editor                     = {Newman, Paul and Ratliff, Martha},
  pages                      = {250-281},
  publisher                  = {Cambridge},
  title                      = {The last speaker is dead: long live the last speaker!},
  year                       = {2001},
  aiatsis_code               = {N45},
  aiatsis_reference_language = {Marrgu},
  citekeys                   = {cldf9:17fc821acf8201df4d32d05fb05d0d4a},
  hhtype                     = {socling (computerized assignment from "dead")},
  inlg                       = {English [eng]},
  isreferencedby             = {cldf9},
  lgcode                     = {[umbu1235]},
  local_ids                  = {98900},
  macro_area                 = {Australia},
  ozbib_id                   = {1930},
  ozbibreftype               = {5},
  src                        = {cldf, ozbib}