Ekris, A. van. 1864, 1864, 1865. Woordenlijst van eenige dialecten der landtaal op de Ambonsche eilanden. Mededeelingen vanwege het Nederlandsch Zendelinggenootschap 8, 8, 9. 61-108, 301-336, 109-136.
@article{303892, author = {van Ekris, A.}, journal = {Mededeelingen vanwege het Nederlandsch Zendelinggenootschap}, key = {Ekris 1864/65}, pages = {61-108, 301-336, 109-136}, series = {Mededeelingen vanwege het Nederlandsch Zendelingsgenootschap}, title = {Woordenlijst van eenige dialecten der landtaal op de Ambonsche eilanden}, volume = {8, 8, 9}, year = {1864, 1864, 1865}, bestfn = {papua\vanekris_ambonsche1864-1865_o.pdf}, besttxt = {ptxt\papua\vanekris_ambonsche1864-1865.txt}, cfn = {papua\vanekris_ambonsche1864-1865.pdf}, citekeys = {cldf7:ekris186465}, fn = {papua\vanekris_ambonsche1864-1865.pdf, papua\vanekris_ambonsche1864-1865_o.pdf}, hhtype = {wordlist}, inlg = {Dutch [nld]}, isreferencedby = {cldf7}, lgcode = {Vocabularies of several languages of Seram and the surrounding islands compiled by a Protestant missionary who worked in the area. Includes data from Hatusua = Kaibobo [kzb], Waisamu = Kaibobo [kzb], Piru = Luhu [lcq], Tihulale = Kaibobo [kzb], Rumahkai = Kaibobo [kzb], Kariu = Haruku, Hatawano = Saparua = Saparua [spr], Nalahia = Nusalaut}, macro_area = {Papunesia}, src = {cldf, hh} }
Name in source | Glottolog languoid |
Vocabularies of several languages of Seram and the surrounding islands compiled by a Protestant missionary who worked in the area. Includes data from Hatusua | |
Waisamu | |
Piru | |
Tihulale | |
Rumahkai | |
Kariu = Haruku | |
Hatawano = Saparua | |
Nalahia = Nusalaut |