Eyre, Edward John. 1845. Journals of expeditions of discovery into Central Australia and overland from Adelaide to King George's Sound in the years 1840-1. London: T.~& W.~Boone. 1074pp. (2 vols.)
@book{21824, address = {London}, author = {Eyre, Edward John}, note = {2 vols.}, pages = {1074}, publisher = {T.~& W.~Boone}, title = {Journals of expeditions of discovery into Central Australia and overland from Adelaide to King George's Sound in the years 1840-1}, year = {1845}, bestfn = {australia\eyre_central-australia1845_o.pdf}, besttxt = {ptxt\australia\eyre_central-australia1845.txt}, fn = {australia\eyre_central-australia1845.pdf, australia\eyre_central-australia1845_o.pdf}, hhtype = {overview;wordlist}, inlg = {English [eng]}, lgcode = {Western Australia, Adelaide, Encounter Bay = Narrinyeri [nay], Parnkalla or Port Lincoln [bjb], Alawong or Moorunde = Ngayawan = Lower Riverland [NOCODE_Lower-Riverland], Boraipar or East of Moorunde, Yak Kumban or Darling, Head of Great Australian Bight = Wirangu [wgu], Murrumbidgee, Lake Hindmarsh, Lake Mundy, Molonglo or its vicinity = Southern Inland Yuin [NOCODE_Southern-Inland-Yuin], Woddowrong = Wathawurrung [wth], Koligon or Colack natives, Dautgart or natives of the west of Colack, Jhongworong or Goulburn natives, Pinegorine or natives of junction of Goulburn with Murray, Gnurellan, Witouro = Wathawurrung [wth], Jajoweong, Burapper, Knenkorenwurro, Ta-oungurong}, macro_area = {Australia}, oclc = {703935740}, src = {hh} }
Name in source | Glottolog languoid |
Western Australia | |
Adelaide | |
Encounter Bay | |
Parnkalla or Port Lincoln | |
Alawong or Moorunde = Ngayawan | |
Boraipar or East of Moorunde | |
Yak Kumban or Darling | |
Head of Great Australian Bight | |
Murrumbidgee | |
Lake Hindmarsh | |
Lake Mundy | |
Molonglo or its vicinity | |
Woddowrong | |
Koligon or Colack natives | |
Dautgart or natives of the west of Colack | |
Jhongworong or Goulburn natives | |
Pinegorine or natives of junction of Goulburn with Murray | |
Gnurellan | |
Witouro | |
Jajoweong | |
Burapper | |
Knenkorenwurro | |
Ta-oungurong |