Eyre, Edward John 1845

Eyre, Edward John. 1845. Journals of expeditions of discovery into Central Australia and overland from Adelaide to King George's Sound in the years 1840-1. London: T.~& W.~Boone. 1074pp. (2 vols.)

  address    = {London},
  author     = {Eyre, Edward John},
  note       = {2 vols.},
  pages      = {1074},
  publisher  = {T.~& W.~Boone},
  title      = {Journals of expeditions of discovery into Central Australia and overland from Adelaide to King George's Sound in the years 1840-1},
  year       = {1845},
  bestfn     = {australia\eyre_central-australia1845_o.pdf},
  besttxt    = {ptxt\australia\eyre_central-australia1845.txt},
  fn         = {australia\eyre_central-australia1845.pdf, australia\eyre_central-australia1845_o.pdf},
  hhtype     = {overview;wordlist},
  inlg       = {English [eng]},
  lgcode     = {Western Australia, Adelaide, Encounter Bay = Narrinyeri [nay], Parnkalla or Port Lincoln [bjb], Alawong or Moorunde = Ngayawan = Lower Riverland [NOCODE_Lower-Riverland], Boraipar or East of Moorunde, Yak Kumban or Darling, Head of Great Australian Bight = Wirangu [wgu], Murrumbidgee, Lake Hindmarsh, Lake Mundy, Molonglo or its vicinity = Southern Inland Yuin [NOCODE_Southern-Inland-Yuin], Woddowrong = Wathawurrung [wth], Koligon or Colack natives, Dautgart or natives of the west of Colack, Jhongworong or Goulburn natives, Pinegorine or natives of junction of Goulburn with Murray, Gnurellan, Witouro = Wathawurrung [wth], Jajoweong, Burapper, Knenkorenwurro, Ta-oungurong},
  macro_area = {Australia},
  oclc       = {703935740},
  src        = {hh}

Document types


Name in source Glottolog languoid
Western Australia
      Encounter Bay
      Parnkalla or Port Lincoln
      Alawong or Moorunde = Ngayawan
      Boraipar or East of Moorunde
        Yak Kumban or Darling
          Head of Great Australian Bight
            Lake Hindmarsh
              Lake Mundy
                Molonglo or its vicinity
                Koligon or Colack natives
                  Dautgart or natives of the west of Colack
                    Jhongworong or Goulburn natives
                      Pinegorine or natives of junction of Goulburn with Murray