Zagoskin, Lavrenty Alekseevich 1847

Zagoskin, Lavrenty Alekseevich. 1847. Yukon Ingalik wordlist.

  author       = {Zagoskin, Lavrenty Alekseevich},
  title        = {Yukon Ingalik wordlist},
  year         = {1847},
  anlanote     = {67 items "Yugelnut Inkalit" and considerable ethnographic information, placenames. Also published by W. Schott, Ueber Ethnographische Erzebnisse der Sagoskinschen Reise, Archiv f. Wissensch. K. v. Russ. 7 (1849):480-512, and in Denkschriften der Russischen Geographischen Gesellschaft zu St. Petersburg, V. I, Weimer 1849, pp. 307-399, 651-652, vocabulary on pp. 354-358},
  anlclanguage = {Deg Xinag},
  anlctype     = {lexicon, placenames},
  file         = {zagoskin.pdf},
  format       = {Text},
  hhtype       = {wordlist (computerized assignment from "wordlist")},
  lgcode       = {Deg [mzw], Degexit'an [ing]},
  macro_area   = {Africa, North America},
  src          = {anla}

Document types


Name in source Glottolog languoid