Ashton, W. 1855

Ashton, W. 1855. Warning! Large drops before the storm, 1: present state of the Bechuana tribes, north of the Vaal and far into the interior. Cape Town.

  author     = {Ashton, W.},
  publisher  = {Cape Town},
  title      = {Warning! Large drops before the storm, 1: present state of the Bechuana tribes, north of the Vaal and far into the interior},
  year       = {1855},
  hhtype     = {ethnographic (computerized assignment from "tribes")},
  inlg       = {English [eng]},
  keywords   = {;saf;rsa;bts;ant;bnt;s.31;},
  lgcode     = {Tswana [tsn] (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)},
  macro_area = {Africa},
  src        = {eballiso2009}

Document types


Name in source Glottolog languoid
Tswana (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)]