Stan Abbott 1985

Abbott, Stan. 1985. Nor-Pondo Lexicostatistical Survey. In Papers in New Guinea Linguistics 22, 313-338. Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University.

  address               = {Canberra},
  author                = {Stan Abbott},
  booktitle             = {Papers in New Guinea Linguistics 22},
  pages                 = {313-338},
  publisher             = {Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University},
  series                = {Pacific Linguistics: Series A},
  title                 = {Nor-Pondo Lexicostatistical Survey},
  volume                = {63},
  year                  = {1985},
  bestfn                = {papua\abbott_nor-pondo1985v2_o.pdf},
  besttxt               = {ptxt\papua\abbott_nor-pondo1985.txt},
  document_type         = {CH},
  fn                    = {papua\abbott_nor-pondo1985v2_o.pdf, papua\abbott_nor-pondo1985v3_o.pdf, papua\abbott_nor-pondo1985.pdf, papua\abbott_nor-pondo1985_o.pdf},
  hhtype                = {overview;comparative},
  inlg                  = {English [eng]},
  lgcode                = {Kilimbit = Chambri [ian], Kambrindo = Angoram [aog], Kamberemba = Angoram [aog], Singarin = Kopar [xop], Karau = Murik [mtf], Wagamut = Murik [mtf], Marbuk = Angoram [aog], Magendo 2 = Angoram [aog], Kungriabun = Karawari = Tabriak [tzx]},
  macro_area            = {Papunesia},
  mpi_eva_library_shelf = {bound with PL 6601 PAP NEW - 22},
  src                   = {hh, mpieva, silpng}