Stapleton, Walter H. 1903

Stapleton, Walter H. 1903. Comparative handbook of Congo languages: being a comparative grammar of the eight principal languages spoken along the banks of the Congo river from the west coast of Africa to Stanley Falls, and of Swahili, the 'lingua franca' of the country stretching thence to the east coast. Yakusu (Congo Free State) & London: Baptist Missionary Soc.; Kegan Paul. xxiii+326pp.

  address        = {Yakusu (Congo Free State) & London},
  author         = {Stapleton, Walter H.},
  pages          = {xxiii+326},
  publisher      = {Baptist Missionary Soc.; Kegan Paul},
  title          = {Comparative handbook of Congo languages: being a comparative grammar of the eight principal languages spoken along the banks of the Congo river from the west coast of Africa to Stanley Falls, and of Swahili, the 'lingua franca' of the country stretching thence to the east coast},
  year           = {1903},
  bestfn         = {africa\stapleton_congo1903_o.pdf},
  besttxt        = {ptxt2\africa\stapleton_congo1903v2.txt},
  citekeys       = {cldf4:hvs_Stapleton_Congo},
  fn             = {africa\stapleton_congo1903.pdf, africa\stapleton_congo1903_o.pdf, africa\stapleton_congo1903v2_o.pdf, africa\stapleton_congo1903v2.pdf},
  hhtype         = {overview;comparative;grammar_sketch},
  inlg           = {English [eng]},
  isreferencedby = {cldf4},
  jfmnote        = {Deals with Kongo/Fiote H16d, Bangi C32, Lolo C61b, Ngala C36d, Poto C36a, Ngombe C41, Soko C52, Kele C55, and Congo Swahili G40g. Includes an 800-word comparative vocabulary.},
  keywords       = {;caf;eaf;drc;lng;grm;dct;bnt;h.16d;c.32;c.36a;c.36d;c.41;c.52;c.55;c.61b;z.g.40g;},
  lgcode         = {Kongo/Fiote = Western Kikongo [kwy], Bangi [bni], Lolo = Mongo-Nkundu [lol], Ngala = Mangala = Boloki [bkt], Poto = Lusengo [lse], Ngombe [ngc], Soko = So (Democratic Republic of Congo) [soc], Kele = Kele (Democratic Republic of Congo) [khy], Swahili = Congo Swahili},
  macro_area     = {Africa},
  oclc           = {25040063},
  src            = {cldf, eballiso2009, hh}