Eduardo Rivail Ribeiro and Hein van der Voort 2010

Ribeiro, Eduardo Rivail & Hein van der Voort. 2010. Nimuendajú was right: The inclusion of the Jabutí language family in the macro-Jê stock. International Journal of American Linguistics 76(4). 517-570. doi: 10.1086/658056.

  author                      = {Eduardo Rivail Ribeiro and Hein van der Voort},
  journal                     = {International Journal of American Linguistics},
  month                       = {oct},
  number                      = {4},
  pages                       = {517-570},
  title                       = {Nimuendajú was right: The inclusion of the Jabutí language family in the macro-Jê stock},
  url                         = {},
  volume                      = {76},
  year                        = {2010},
  abstract                    = {So far, the available data on the Arikapú and Djeoromitxı́ languages of the Brazilian Amazon, which together form the Jabutı́ language family, have been too sparse to enable one to evaluate existing proposals for a genealogical classification. Recent descriptive fieldwork, however, has yielded information that strongly corroborates an early hypothesis of Nimuendajú (2000 [1935]) that the languages are related to those of the Jê family. In this article, we compare the reconstructed ancestors of both families, Proto-Jabutı́ (van der Voort 2007) and Proto-Jê (Ribeiro [forthcoming]), ultimately demonstrating that Nimuendajú was right. We also discuss some of the consequences of this discovery for current ideas about prehistoric population movements in lowland South America.},
  doi                         = {10.1086/658056},
  hhtype                      = {overview;comparative},
  inlg                        = {English [eng]},
  issn                        = {0020-7071},
  keywords                    = {Amazonia, Historical linguistics, Jabutí, Macro-Ge},
  lgcode                      = {Arikapú [ark], Jabutí [jbt]},
  macro_area                  = {South America},
  phoible_inventoryid         = {1960},
  phoible_languagecode        = {jbt},
  phoible_languagename        = {Jabutı́},
  phoible_languagevariantcode = {jbt},
  shorttitle                  = {Nimuendajú Was Right},
  src                         = {haspelmath, hh, phoible, seifart}