Northwestern Fars [faz] is listed in E16/E17/E18/E19/E20/E21/E22/E23/E24/E25/E26/E27 as a separate Northwestern, Central Iran language but without a more specific location than “Fars Province, scattered pockets”. But all the candidate languages to match this name plus (lack of) geographical specification ( Gernot Windfuhr 1999 ) already have other entries: Sivandi [siy] ( Pierre Lecoq 1979 ), the southeast Kurdish [sdh] dialect of the village pair of Kalānī and ʿAbdūʾī of Kāzerūn ( F. C. Andreas 1939: 359-483 ), the southeast Kurdish Lakī [lki] dialect of the Korūnī tribe near Shiraz ( F. C. Andreas 1939: 285-358 ), the Gūrānī [hac] dialect of Tall-e Ḵedāšk ( Valentin A. Zhukovskij 1922: 82-85 ) and the Balūčī dialect of the Korošī [ktl] ( Maryam Nourzaei and Carina Jahani and Erik Anonby and Ahangar, Abbas Ali 2015 ). See also: Gurani [hac], Koroshi [ktl], Laki [lki], Sivandi [siy], Southern Kurdish [sdh].