Phon-Ngam, Prakorb 1993

Phon-Ngam, Prakorb. 1993. The problem of aspirates in Central Khmer and Northern Khmer. Mon-Khmer Studies 22. 252-256.

  author         = {Phon-Ngam, Prakorb},
  journal        = {Mon-Khmer Studies},
  pages          = {252-256},
  title          = {The problem of aspirates in Central Khmer and Northern Khmer},
  volume         = {22},
  year           = {1993},
  citekeys       = {cldf3:13080},
  country        = {Cambodia [KH], Thailand [TH]},
  inlg           = {English [eng]},
  isreferencedby = {cldf3},
  keywords       = {word domains},
  lgcode         = {[cent1989]},
  macro_area     = {Eurasia},
  sil_id         = {34115},
  source         = {sealang},
  src            = {cldf, sala, sil16},
  subject        = {Consonants [CON], Comparative and historical studies [CHL]}