Jackson, Eugene and Geiger, Adolph and Vanderslice, Robert D. 2006

Jackson, Eugene, Adolph Geiger & Robert D. Vanderslice. 2006. German made simple. (A made simple book.) 1st edn. New York: Broadway Books. vii+309pp.

  address               = {New York},
  author                = {Jackson, Eugene and Geiger, Adolph and Vanderslice, Robert D.},
  edition               = {1},
  pages                 = {vii+309},
  publisher             = {Broadway Books},
  series                = {A made simple book},
  title                 = {German made simple},
  year                  = {2006},
  class_loc             = {PF3112.5},
  document_type         = {B},
  inlg                  = {English [eng]},
  isbn                  = {9780767918602},
  lgcode                = {German [deu]},
  macro_area            = {Eurasia},
  mpi_eva_library_shelf = {PF 3112 .5 JAC 2006},
  src                   = {mpieva},
  subject_headings      = {German language–Self-instruction, German language–Grammar, German language–Conversation and phrase books–English, German language–Self-instruction – German language–Grammar – German language–Conversation and phrase books–English}