Hill, Margaret 1999

Hill, Margaret. 1999. Assessment courses to choose mother-tongue translators. Notes on Translation 13(4). 15-26.

  author     = {Hill, Margaret},
  journal    = {Notes on Translation},
  number     = {4},
  pages      = {15-26},
  title      = {Assessment courses to choose mother-tongue translators},
  volume     = {13},
  year       = {1999},
  country    = {Democratic Republic of the Congo [CD]},
  lgcode     = {Ngbaka Minagende [nga]},
  macro_area = {Africa},
  sil_id     = {40610},
  src        = {sil16},
  subject    = {Mother tongue language workers [MTL], Translation [TRN]}


Name in source Glottolog languoid
Ngbaka Minagende