Bookkeeping: Northern Nambikuára

This entry has been retired and is featured here only for bookkeeping purposes. Either the entry has been replaced with one or more more accurate entries or it has been retired because it was based on a misunderstanding to begin with.

Retired in ISO 639-3: Split into six languages: Alapmunte [apv]; Lakondê [lkd]; Latundê [ltn]; Mamaindé [wmd]; Tawandê [xtw]; Yalakalore [xyl]

  • Change request: 2007-017
  • ISO 639-3: mbg
  • Name: Northern Nambikuára
  • Reason: split
  • Effective: 2008-01-14

Excerpt from change request document:

Northern Nambikaura is a language cluster, not an individual language. The speech varieties listed as dialects of Northern Nambikuara [mbg] have been determined to be several separate but closely related languages / language dialect groups. Northern Nambikuara [mbg] should be changed from a language name to a part of the classification of the Nambiquaran languages.

For the classification of Nambiquaran languages, there should now be a distinction made between a Northern cluster and a Southern cluster. Currently there is only a distinction between two language groups Northern Nambikuara [mbg] and Southern Nambikaura [nab]. They are both listed in the Ethnologue as "Class: Nambiquaran". I am recommending that the Northern Nambikuara [mbg] language be split into potentially 6 separate languages / language dialect groups and that these 6 will receive new ISO language identity codes and should be classified as "Class: Nambiquaran, Northern". The Southern Nambikuara [nab] language should then be classified as "Class: Nambiquaran, Southern". The [nab] language has several dialects listed. These may be split into separate languages / language dialect groups at a later time. More research is needed before this can be done.

Intelligibilty testing and interviews indicate that the dialects listed for this language, Northern Nambikuara [mbg], are actually separate languages / language dialect groups. These finding are also supported by ethnololinguistic identity as speakers of these separate languages do not view themselves as a single ethnic group, but rather as at least 8 separate ethnic groups with at least 6 separate languages being spoken by these 8 ethnic groups.

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