Gomes, Diogo 1480s

Gomes, Diogo. 1480s. De prima inventione guineae (Codex hispanicus 27).

  author     = {Gomes, Diogo},
  school     = {Bayerische Staat-Bibl.},
  title      = {De prima inventione guineae (Codex hispanicus 27)},
  year       = {1480s},
  keywords   = {;waf;gmb;srl;cvi;trv;lng;lxl;u.800;},
  lgcode     = {Italian [ita] (computerized assignment from "prima")},
  macro_area = {Africa},
  notes      = {Gomes made at least two journeys to West Africa during the mid-15th century. He visited, e.g., Gambia, Sierra Leone, Cape Verde. His chronicle includes brief vocabularies of several West African languages.},
  src        = {eballiso2009}