Hoekstra, Teun and Mulder, René 1990

Hoekstra, Teun & René Mulder. 1990. Unergatives As Copular Verbs; Locational And Existential Predication. The Linguistic Review 7(1). 1-80. doi: 10.1515/tlir.1990.7.1.1. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter.

  address        = {Berlin, New York},
  author         = {Hoekstra, Teun and Mulder, René},
  journal        = {The Linguistic Review},
  number         = {1},
  pages          = {1-80},
  publisher      = {Walter de Gruyter},
  title          = {Unergatives As Copular Verbs; Locational And Existential Predication},
  url            = {http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/tlir.1990.7.issue-1/tlir.1990.7.1.1/tlir.1990.7.1.1.xml},
  volume         = {7},
  year           = {1990},
  citekeys       = {glossa10202:B64 glossa4992:B47 glossa5010:B60 glossa5019:B72 glossa5027:B44 glossa5205:B27 glossa5821:B26 glossa8575:B29},
  doi            = {10.1515/tlir.1990.7.1.1},
  inlg           = {English [eng]},
  isreferencedby = {glossa10202 glossa4992 glossa5010 glossa5019 glossa5027 glossa5205 glossa5821 glossa8575},
  issn           = {0167-6318},
  lgcode         = {Modern Hebrew [heb] (computerized assignment from "copular")},
  src            = {degruyter, glossa}