Barr, Julie and Pawley, Eric 2013

Barr, Julie & Eric Pawley. 2013. Bahnaric Language Cluster: survey of Mondul Kiri and Kratie Provinces, Cambodia. SIL Electronic Survey Reports 2013-001. 1-132. SIL Electronic Survey Reports 2013-001.

  author         = {Barr, Julie and Pawley, Eric},
  howpublished   = {online},
  institution    = {SIL},
  journal        = {SIL Electronic Survey Reports},
  pages          = {1-132},
  publisher      = {SIL Electronic Survey Reports 2013-001},
  series         = {SIL Electronic Survey Reports 2013-001},
  title          = {Bahnaric Language Cluster: survey of Mondul Kiri and Kratie Provinces, Cambodia},
  url            = {},
  volume         = {2013-001},
  year           = {2013},
  bestfn         = {eurasia\barr-pawley_bahnaric2013.pdf},
  besttxt        = {ptxt2\eurasia\barr-pawley_bahnaric2013_o.txt},
  cfn            = {eurasia\barr-pawley_bahnaric2013.pdf},
  citekeys       = {cldf9:993732936c83178afc7633ef35f2639d},
  delivered      = {eurasia\barr-pawley_bahnaric2013.pdf},
  fn             = {eurasia\barr-pawley_bahnaric2013.pdf, eurasia\barr-pawley_bahnaric2013_o.pdf},
  hhtype         = {overview;wordlist;socling},
  inlg           = {English [eng]},
  isreferencedby = {cldf9},
  lgcode         = {9 varieties of Bunong = Central Mnong [cmo], Roya = Kraol [rka], Tampuan [tpu], Tampuan [tpu], Memom/Thmon = M'hun = Kraol [rka], Chhnaeng = Bulo Stieng [sti], Ou Rona [cmo], Ou Am = Budeh Stieng [stt], Mel-Khaonh no wordlists},
  local_ids      = {96600},
  macro_area     = {Eurasia},
  src            = {cldf, hh}


Name in source Glottolog languoid
9 varieties of Bunong
Memom/Thmon = M'hun
Ou Rona
Ou Am
Mel-Khaonh no wordlists