Nurse, Derek 1983

Nurse, Derek. 1983. The Proto-Sabaki verb system and its subsequent development. Sprache und Geschichte in Afrika (SUGIA) 5. 45-109.

  author             = {Nurse, Derek},
  journal            = {Sprache und Geschichte in Afrika (SUGIA)},
  pages              = {45-109},
  title              = {The Proto-Sabaki verb system and its subsequent development},
  volume             = {5},
  year               = {1983},
  guldemann_location = {TG},
  hhtype             = {specific_feature (computerized assignment from "verb")},
  inlg               = {English [eng]},
  keywords           = {;nea;eaf;kny;tnz;lng;grm;tam;bnt;g.40;e.70;},
  lgcode             = {Maore Comorian [swb] (computerized assignment from "sabaki")},
  macro_area         = {Africa},
  src                = {eballiso2009, guldemann, weball},
  subject_headings   = {nea, eaf, kny, tnz, lng, grm, bnt, g.42, g.40, e.70}