Gaudefroy-Demombynes, Maurice 1907

Gaudefroy-Demombynes, Maurice. 1907. Document sur les Langues de l'Oubangui-Chari. In Actes du XVIe Congrès International des Orientalistes, Alger, 1905, Part II, 172-330. Paris: Ernest Leroux.

  address    = {Paris},
  author     = {Gaudefroy-Demombynes, Maurice},
  booktitle  = {Actes du XVIe Congrès International des Orientalistes, Alger, 1905, Part II},
  pages      = {172-330},
  publisher  = {Ernest Leroux},
  title      = {Document sur les Langues de l'Oubangui-Chari},
  year       = {1907},
  bestfn     = {africa\gaudefroy_oubangui-chari1907v2_o.pdf},
  besttxt    = {ptxt2\africa\gaudefroy_oubangui-chari1907v2_o.txt},
  fn         = {africa\gaudefroy_oubangui-chari1907.pdf, africa\gaudefroy_oubangui-chari1907v2_o.pdf, africa\gaudefroy_oubangui-chari1907v3_o.pdf, africa\gaudefroy_oubangui-chari1907_o.pdf},
  hhtype     = {overview;wordlist},
  inlg       = {French [fra]},
  lgcode     = {Banda Gribingui likely Banda-Banda [bpd], Banda au coude de l'Oubangui-le Wadda = Banda-Mbrès [bqk], Banda Gobu/Togbo = Banda-Togbo-Vara [tor], West Banda Ndi-Ndres = Banda-Banda [bpd], Barma of Barth = Barma [bmi], Sara of Delafosse = Sar [mwm], Dor of Petherick = Bongo [bot], Bongo of Schweinfurth [bot], Tané of Decorse = Vale [vae], Tanné of Decorse = Vale [vae], Ngama of Bruel = Ngam [nmc], Valé of Decorse = Vale [vae], Tele of Decorse = Vale [vae], Tele of Bruel = Vale [vae], Dagba of Bruel = Dagba [dgk], Barma of Decorse [bmi], Bulala = Naba [mne], Dissa [dsi], Babali = Berakou [bxv], Horo [hor], Sara Lak [lap], Sara Péni = Gulay [gvl], Sara Hii = Gulay [gvl], Sara Dendjé = Kaba Náà-Sara [kwv], Kaba of Decorse = Kaba [ksp], S Bai of Decorse = Mbay [myb], Mbai of Bruel = Mbay [myb], S Gulei of Decorse [gvl], Ndokoa of Decorse = Naba [mne], Nduka of Bruel = Naba [mne], Butu of Bruel = Naba [mne], Kussuvulu of Bruel = Naba [mne], Wadaï-Kodoï = Maba [mde], Maba of Decorse = Maba [mde], Mabang of Barth = Maba [mde], Masa of Decorse = Musgum [mug], Teda of Reinisch [tuq], Kanem Septentrional of Decorse = Tubu = Dazaga [dzg], Goran de la région du Lac Iro = Dazaga [dzg], Goran par un interprete militaire = Dazaga [dzg], Kotoko Semsir ou de Kousri (Kat. K.) = Mser [kqx], Kotoko de Goulfei = Malgbe [mxf], Kotoko de Logone = Lagwan [kot], Boudouma [bdm], Kouri = Buduma [bdm], Niellim of Decorse [nie], Niellim of Bruel [nie], Mana = Fania [fni], Tunia [tug], Boa = Bua [bub], Boua de Korbol of Bruel = Bua [bub], Toumak [tmc], Sara-Ndam [ndm], Somré [sor], Sarwa = Sarua [swy], Gabéri of Decorse = Gabri [gab], Gabéri of Bruel = Gabri [gab], Gabéri of Darbé = Gabri [gab], Masa de Lai = Gablai = Kabalai [kvf], Massa de Nung Tiéré = Nancere [nnc], Ndam of Bruel [ndm], Tumak of Bruel [tmc], Miltu of Bruel [mlj], Kredj of Decorse and Schweinfurth [krs], Ruña = Runga [rou], Mimi of Decorse [NOCODE_Mimi-Gaudefroy]},
  macro_area = {Africa},
  src        = {hh}

Document types


Name in source Glottolog languoid
Banda Gribingui likely Banda-Banda
Banda au coude de l'Oubangui-le Wadda
Banda Gobu/Togbo
West Banda Ndi-Ndres
Barma of Barth
Sara of Delafosse
Dor of Petherick
Bongo of Schweinfurth
Tané of Decorse
Tanné of Decorse
Ngama of Bruel
Valé of Decorse
Tele of Decorse
Tele of Bruel
Dagba of Bruel
Barma of Decorse
Sara Lak
Sara Péni
Sara Hii
Sara Dendjé
Kaba of Decorse
S Bai of Decorse
Mbai of Bruel
S Gulei of Decorse
Ndokoa of Decorse
Nduka of Bruel
Butu of Bruel
Kussuvulu of Bruel
Maba of Decorse
Mabang of Barth
Masa of Decorse
Teda of Reinisch
Kanem Septentrional of Decorse = Tubu
Goran de la région du Lac Iro
Goran par un interprete militaire
Kotoko Semsir ou de Kousri (Kat. K.)
Kotoko de Goulfei
Kotoko de Logone
Niellim of Decorse
Niellim of Bruel
Boua de Korbol of Bruel
Gabéri of Decorse
Gabéri of Bruel
Gabéri of Darbé
Masa de Lai = Gablai
Massa de Nung Tiéré
Ndam of Bruel
Tumak of Bruel
Miltu of Bruel
Kredj of Decorse and Schweinfurth
Mimi of Decorse