Kaye, Jonathan Derek 1982

Kaye, Jonathan Derek. 1982. Les dialectes dida. In Kaye, Jonathan Derek and Koopman, Hilda and Sportiche, Dominique (eds.), Projet sur les langues kru, 233-239. Montreal: Montréal: Université du Québec à Montréal.

  address          = {Montreal},
  author           = {Kaye, Jonathan Derek},
  booktitle        = {Projet sur les langues kru},
  editor           = {Kaye, Jonathan Derek and Koopman, Hilda and Sportiche, Dominique},
  pages            = {233-239},
  publisher        = {Montréal: Université du Québec à Montréal},
  title            = {Les dialectes dida},
  year             = {1982},
  besttxt          = {ptxt\africa\kaye_dialectes-dida1982.txt},
  citekeys         = {langsci120:kaye1982},
  fn               = {africa\kaye_projet-kru1982.pdf, africa\kaye_dialectes-dida1982.pdf, africa\kaye_dialectes-dida1982_o.pdf, africa\kaye_projet-kru1982_o.pdf},
  hhtype           = {overview;comparative},
  inlg             = {French [fra]},
  isreferencedby   = {langsci120},
  keywords         = {;waf;civ;lng;lcl;u.335;},
  lgcode           = {Vata = Lakota Dida [dic], Gbeiwi = Dida-Lakota [dic], Labo = Dida-Lakota [dic], Gakpa = Yocoboué Dida [gud], Kagwe = Kagoue = Yocoboué Dida [gud], Menehiri = Yocoboué Dida [gud]},
  macro_area       = {Africa},
  src              = {eballiso2009, hh, langsci, weball},
  subject_headings = {waf, civ, lng, lcl, u.335}